This Little Piggy Said…
By Pastor Doug Cox Can you imagine yourself cleaning dirt from between one hundred and twenty toes? That’s exactly what Jesus did. He washed the feet of His twelve disciples squeaky clean just a few hours before they all deserted … Read the full article →
A Fresh Start – Building Hope #1
Video begins at 6:53
Read the full article →No Life Hacks Here
No Life Hacks Here By Pastor Doug Cox Wikipedia defines a life hack as any trick, shortcut, skill, or novelty method that increases productivity and efficiency, in all walks of life. You can find life hacks about peeling onions, different … Read the full article →
Exercising Your God Given Authority – Returning to God’s Ancient Paths #7
Reasons You Can Trust The Bible – Returning to God’s Ancient Paths #6
Learning From God’s Feasts
By Doug Cox For many Wyomingites fall brings mostly thoughts of hunting and football. Israelis think of Rosh Hashana, Israel’s first fall feast. AKA Feast of Trumpets is found in two short passages in the Old Testament, which mark out … Read the full article →
Walking on the Ancient Path of God’s Word – Returning to God’s Ancient Paths #5
God’s Word Our Light!
by Rebekah Harvey Psalm 119:105 “Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path.” The word of God, the Bible is meant to teach us and light our way in this dark world. In modern … Read the full article →