Unholstering Humility
By Pastor Doug Cox “Come now, you who say, today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit, whereas you do not know what will happen … Read the full article →
Stand Fast In Your Liberty – Strengthening Our Biblical Worldview part 8
The Anchor of God’s Love in a Deadly Sea
The Anchor of God’s Love in a Deadly Sea By Pastor Doug Cox In my last article titled “Worship – The Door to Deliverance” I talked about how Jesus was willing to cross the sea to go to Gadara to … Read the full article →
Developing A Lifestyle of Biblical Worship part 2 – Strengthening Our Biblical Worldview
Pits and Praise
by Rebekah Harvey When life is “the pits” we can be assured of something, God is always with us! This is the theme for our vacation Bible school this year and what we will be encouraging the kids to focus … Read the full article →
Developing A Lifestyle of Biblical Worship – Strengthening Your Biblical Worldview – part 6
Worship – The door to deliverance!
by Pastor Doug Cox In Mark chapter 5 we find the story of Jesus going with his disciples from one side of the sea to the other to a country called the Gadara. After Jesus got out of the ship … Read the full article →
Our Provision and the Celebration of Shavuot
by Rebekah Harvey At the beginning of the month of June at Crossroads we received communion and Pastor Doug encouraged us to remember Who the Lord is and to remember the day that we received the Lord. Jesus stood between … Read the full article →