The Advantage of the Holy Spirit
By Pastor Doug Cox
I usually don’t realize I’m doing it but sometimes when I hear certain things I’ll roll my eyes. My family laughs at me and makes fun of me when I do it and it’s kind of embarrassing. I’m hoping I can get it under control. It’s usually when I hear something that sounds outlandish or that I don’t agree with. But I’m wondering how many of the disciples were eye rollers? How did they respond when they heard Jesus tell them, “Nevertheless, I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away…?” And even though Jesus wasn’t through speaking that’s probably where they stopped listening and maybe rolled their eyes.
They must have wondered how that could even be possible. How could Him leaving make life better for anyone? Since the disciples met Jesus, they had witnessed Him opening deaf ears, giving sight to blind eyes. They had seen the dead raised, lepers cleansed, the dumb speak, demons cast out and paralysis healed. Jesus had calmed hurricane force winds, walked on water and let’s not forget He fed thousands of people with a few loaves of bread and fish. How could it be an advantage for them if He were to leave? And so while their minds raced in a different direction Jesus continued speaking saying, “…for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you.” (John 16:7)
Eventually these disciples would learn what Jesus meant and why He said it. They would discover that Jesus’ death on the cross opened the door for them to have Him indwell them, the same Holy Spirit He had. They would discover that Jesus got His power from the Holy Spirit and that the Holy Spirit directed them in the same way Jesus did when He walked the earth. They discovered it was better that Jesus went away because now through the Holy Spirit He can be in many different places at the same time. He is no longer limited to a single place.
As you read through the book of Acts you find these disciples we’re blessed beyond description. They received revelation knowledge. They received supernatural power, the gifts of healing worked through them. The Spirit of faith and working of miracles empowered them. The disciples were then able to take the Kingdom of God to individuals, cities, and even to nations all because the Holy Spirit came to indwell them.
So they might have rolled their eyes at first when they heard Jesus tell them this unimaginable promise of a coming Helper, but once it happened they rolled their eyes no more. And may we instead of rolling our eyes at this amazing promise of Jesus lift our eyes to Him and say be it unto me as it was unto them.
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